Architects of a New Dawn

Logo: Architects of a New DawnArchitects of A New Dawn is a project, born from the dream and vision of Carlos Santana, to create a new global network, driven by extraordinary music and powerful media content.It is designed to engage people of all walks of life to work together to create positive change in the global community where love can replace fear and where peace can replace conflict.

"One of the things that has become very clear to me in recent months is that after carrying an idea in my mind and soul for decades that the time had come to bring my vision of Architects Of A New Dawn into reality. The world today is as deeply challenged as it is inspired. Never has there been a more profound time to harness the possibilities for positive change, especially in this era of mass communication. This is my invitation to you to join us in this transformational work.

As the title implies, my vision for AOAND is a multi-tiered media company whose approach to building a new reality for the planet is based on inspiration, creativity, love & forgiveness. This is where my passion lies, and I wish to bring it forth by combining music, sacred thoughts and inspirational media.

Our goal at AOAND is to inspire, motivate and activate our global audience. We are working to give each individual a sense that they literally can-and actually do-make a difference in a world that they are building and working on every day… thus, the concept of being an architect. Our way of entering into the minds and hearts across cultures and theologies will be to use questions to stimulate the audience/participant. Questions are a powerful bridge to move the mind beyond limited thinking towards what is possible.

AOAND’s efforts are focused in the areas of film, music, television and online social networks. The new world of the web will facilitate awakening minds and opening all hearts to realize that no matter what the problem or challenge may be… love, being the most powerful force in the Universe, is the answer. We believe that peace and mutually beneficial co-existence is possible in our lifetime and that this is the time for all of us to do all that we can to help create it."

Peace, Light, Love & Joy,

Carlos Santana

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